Bonding and White Fillings

Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Bonding can be used to correct cracks or gaps in teeth, as a filling after a cavity has been removed, or to cover up stains or discolored teeth.

Bonding is an obvious improvement over unsightly silver amalgam filling(s). With the advancements in dental technology, bonding can last for many years. It is a safe, affordable, and attractive solution for many dental problems.

What are the steps involved in a dental filling?

First, the area to be treated is numbed with a local anesthetic. Then, the tooth is prepared by removing the decayed portion of the tooth, or existing failing/fractured restorative materials. Once the prepared tooth is cleaned, your dentist will fill in the missing portion of the tooth structure with composite restorative material that is molded and sculpted over an adhesive gel that is placed on the tooth. Your dentist will shape the material to match as closely as possible to the former tooth structure.

Post-procedure care for dental fillings

Healing following a dental filling procedure is typically quick and easy. The post procedure instructions include avoiding very hot or cold food or beverages, as well as chewy or hard foods or snacks for a period. Expect sensitivity right after the fillings are done but once the healing is complete, you should be able to return to normal use of your teeth. However, it is important to remember that dental restorations need to be cared for to make sure they are strong and intact and regular brushing and flossing will prevent further cavities around the fillings.

Frequently Asked Questions about dental fillings

How do I know if I might need fillings?

Dental cavities can sometimes cause pain or sensitivity to hot or cold, but sometimes cavities may not cause any pain and are only detected through dental x-rays and examinations during a regular recall appointment.

It is best to treat cavities as soon as they are diagnosed in order to have the best chance of saving the original tooth, while preventing future dental emergencies which could result in the loss of the tooth.

How long will dental fillings last?

Dental fillings can last quite a long time when they are properly cared for. That is why it is very important to follow a great home oral hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing and getting regular professional check-ups and cleanings.

I have Amalgam (silver) fillings. Should I have them replaced?

Dr Garg recommends only replacing fillings of any kind when there is an issue such as wear, decay, pain, cracking or breaking of the tooth or filling. If you notice any of the issues listed above, we recommend you see us as soon as possible for an exam. Tiny cracks and wear in fillings can often be detected during regular exams and x-rays at a dental checkup.